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Hobi & Minat/


How so ?
Somebody told me liking a message even spends your karma
So I’m assuming dropping pics does too, because I don’t send gifts or anything but my karma drops when I send selfies
I don’t think drop pics cost karma
But like cost 1 karma
Don’t forget to type .bonus every 24h
Without the dot
What does that do
Gives free karma
I had 86 yesterday
Oh cool
Hi peeps
Good morning
Heyyy all πŸ‘‹
Nice 🀩 q
Skull is gorgeous btw
Good morning!
Thank you !
ʝσรΡⁿⁱⁿᡉ¹¹ >> 🎁🌹 >> πŸ₯€π‘Ίπš”κͺŠΚ…Κ…πŸ₯€ (+β‚­500)< [rose][241][2]
pretty skull
Oh thank you Jose πŸ₯°
Bubble πŸ€—
you’re welcome 😘
skull bringing sexy back! πŸ₯°
>>>πŸ“· Absolutly sexyyy 🀩
Skull πŸ₯°πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜ hottie
Skull is so pretty and got such a nice body
superb π‘Ίπš”κͺŠΚ…Κ…πŸ₯°πŸ₯°
Superb Bubble πŸ₯°πŸ₯°
πŸ₯€π‘Ίπš”κͺŠΚ…Κ…πŸ₯€ cute teddy bear 😍
Feli is fake
Yeah ?
Hahah nice one
Let's report
Hey yo
Hru folks?