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πŸ’žFlirt & Gifts 🎁 πŸ”₯

One day now I’m poor πŸ˜‚
what happened againπŸ˜’
I bought the sticker because I’m an iOS user and I can’t buy them in the web app
did you see the news??
congratulations tonnoo thats a cute sticker 😍
but the gold fish got lots more stickers hehee
Yes but I’m only a tonno
And I never change it
Tonno forever 😍😍
what does it mean lol
Sorry πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
I mean
I will never change the avatar
like my duckling
See you later
And don’t send me a gift πŸ™„
going to school now?
study well and hard tonnooo
Yeeaaa i ll try
helloo 😸
πŸŒΉπŸ§Έβ€οΈπŸ’Žβ‚ŠΛš (\__) gift ( β€’ β€’ ) Me ΰͺœβ€βž΄ >🎁 ⊹ ΰ£ͺ Λ– please πŸ“
love me with a πŸ”ŸπŸ’ŽπŸ«ΆπŸ’•
Send me a pic for a gift. Dm only
Is anyone kind enough to give me a gift
(\_) (\_) ( πŸ‘€)(πŸ‘€ ) > ❀ < \ Gift me please
Teddy me
Girl, you have over 3000 gifts, why do you need more?
teddy me
rose 4 me
Gift please pleaseπŸ₯²πŸ’β€β€β€tysm
someone really generous πŸ”ŸπŸ’Ž me plss
Gift me to improve my day 🫠
Thank you in advance
Rose me
Who wants a gift
Hmm okay. Dead room. Moving on
I want
i want a gift please thankyouu