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Hobi & Minat/

CCar talk

Oil pan gasket replacement
Yeah, keep the oil inπŸ‘ŒπŸΌπŸŒ
Welded in a new jack support
Fabricated the mk2 front engine carier on to the mk1
Love all the sho kittens !!
I actually just got my car back
Eyyyy folks!
Nice Triumph Spitfire πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘πŸ», I'm planning to use the brake discs for one of those on my Morris Minor 1000
Thanks! You’re one of few to distinguish these from an MG πŸ˜… a lot of the LBC cars had interchangeable parts.
Some people think my car is beetle lol, I feel your pain 🀣
Oh, it's a jolly set of wheels! Great colors
Thanks, hopefully a little later in the year, it'll have wider versions of the same wheels, but with a staggered offset, and I'll lower the front a bit πŸ‘πŸ»
It'll look like a hot wheels! πŸ˜‚
🀣🀣 I wouldn't complain lol
Further down the road, once all the running gear is upgraded, I plan to turbo it and add electronic fuel injection, it should be a fun little thing
That sounds like a fun rabbit hole XD
It has been tbh, I've got a lot of it figured out now I think πŸ‘πŸ»
Hideous architecture except for the ratios
Very true mate lol