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Hobi & Minat/

CCars πŸŽπŸ’¨

Damn is cars dead as FUG or what
Actually anti is becoming a little inactive nowadays
Lots of group are dead now 😒
what fun? driving? sure, alwaysπŸ˜…
Farming sim 22 multiplayer anyone?
Fun game
You don’t like farming sim 25?
Wait Jen is into cars?
Audi gang rise up
Car Fact of The Day: electric cars do not need gas
Can you even drink legally
>>> Car Fact of The Day: electric cars do not ... But gas cars need batteries 🧠πŸ’₯
Car Fact of The Day: The average number of wheels on a car is 4 πŸ›ž
Slow ass car
Sorry ion speak car payments πŸ˜‚
What year is that
2023, last call
What year is urs?
Oh wait…. 🀭
You ain't gotta lie for the app dawg 😭
Anyone wanna troubleshoot my car with me?
Naw twin
Another few years and Infiniti might not be around anymore