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CCasablanca Chat

Li dwa yr3af
>>> Li dwa yr3af لا للعنف ضد النساء
La dakchi ghir b sarcasme
3andi 666 karma a3odo bilah 😆
Lfar Andi m3ak dnoub anbdaw n3ayro f nass
Safi nodo n3asso
Lah isam7
Peace and love 🫶
Lfar wld nas
Daghya kitnadm m3ah l7al
Ida 3andek l3om9 maghadich yfahmo sarcasme dyalk ayhsab lihom kat3ayr
Nta golti senorita hit howa dwa b Spanish
Walakin l3om9 s3iiiiiiiib Bach ytfham 😂
Shkun tji prv
عروبية و تجمعو
⁦🇲🇦°•Elchapo•°⁦⁦⚓, this is your Anti Card for the next 30 min. Please share a story from your life which comes into your mind first when you look at it. Use the word Take in your story.
بنادم كي داير
Slm cv ؟
Slm cv lhmdl
Winou malha mchentfa
Yalah fay9a 😹😹
It's something like a daydream
مسا الخير
you can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
either way i don’t wanna wake from you
All of you are Moroccans?
no, some people here are stupid
Ça va
giving spanish
>>> All of you are Moroccans? Where are u from
>>> no, some people here are stupid Hargawa?
>>> Where are u from Stekchafati fl3oula ha bobobob
بصحة فطوركم خاوتي❤️
allah y3tik seha
Allh i3tek seha azin
Bsse77a ftourkoum
ديورا لباس عليك ❤️