Yeah its the price of having the anonimity i think
>>> As long as you have rules and ready to ban...
Id i do It it's conskdered spam to share the link in other chat groups ti invite people?
>>> It might be allowed to share a link but yo...
Ok thanks for the advise, still a newbie
I dont think rational people Willever blame you for the creeps on this app
I mean you should do It likes a full time job and even like that It wouldnt be enough
>>> I'm a totally different breed I think. Dep...
Same here
Just feels nice to experience both wolrds
Hey dont u think this app kinda sucks for express ing yourself of you are not a cisman or a ciswoman
*? It May be my impression but i think that people Just report u if they dont like Who u are
And u cant do anything about it
>>> lets not harm anyone