Bob Marley said "The biggest coward is a man who awakens a women's love with no intention of loving her" THAT HIT HOME!
Long time no yap, how ubeen?😀
My decision has been set in stone from day one, never seen a single fluctuation!😂
I’ve been doing well, rereading things that once brought me to tears. Calling Sehmat, Train to Pakistan, I fell in love with hope and ofc Hosseini.
I’ll leave you in the shadows for that one!😂
Fun fact, last night, I was talking about TTP in India eng. What about you? What are you reading?
A thousand splendid suns tops the list for me🫠
All in due time, you’ll get the full picture. Best of luck figuring out 😆
Ive it at home, its yet again of his bests
Ttyl neal. Kinda caught up with something 🥲
Don’t twist my words, pal 😂💀 I just meant it casually.
No, he referred to biscyyy