I've got mixed feelings about it, I might go either way
Something like that....I'd think I'd want to keep, and wear.....even if just not for a long time
It's not about the other person at all
It's the personalized item, I'd think that was awesome
I'd love to have a shirt like that.....and in time would forget about who gave it to me
I'm doing alright, just laying down for a little nap. I've got to make a trip out to my mom's today to spend the night 😊
Good morning everyone 👋☕️
I wish it was actually a good one, but I'm at my mother's house, lol
My mom is a trunp supporter
We can't really have much of a conversation
Fat chance that everything doesn't lead back to the same thing
Difficult when I have to watch and listen as long as I'm here
I'm waiting for my sister to wake up
Out here I'm always going to be subjected to something 🤣 by one of them or another
My sister made me watch wrestling with her lastnight
Thankfully I can rely on my sleep disorder to have my back
They are the only family I have
Most of the time we just focus on our mutual interests, hobbies, and activities
I usually just stay a single night, once in awhile