Idk I was just trying to follow the trend 😂
The horsemen call God Espoka
Yes they do lol at least that’s what they tell me
No but they have told me that it mean that which spoke the universe into existence
I wouldn’t deny it if that was in fact what I said. Espoka has always meant “that which spoke the universe into existence”
You think most of what I say is dumb if I remember correctly 😂
I have my own doubts from time to time about it
Like the fact that they stay mostly silent until I either address them or I have a spike of adrenaline for some reason
They’re just whispers in my head that make too much sense
Being bipolar probably doesn’t help
For me it’s just the fact that they have predicted or caused several things that causes me to question if they are something more that I really don’t have control over
I’m also a Christian so I believe that they do exist outside of me. Just as much as Jesus or Satan. It’s scripturally supported. It’s just a matter of determining if they are legit or not. It’s tricky business
I just don’t want to reach the point where I’m in denial of anything supernatural.
It’s not how I view the world
It would close me off to God
Yeah and I just don’t see that ever happening
I think I am at peace with it. I’ve had four healthy years and I feel ready to take off the training wheels.
No just seems silly to pin all the bad stuff on someone you don’t believe in without recognizing the value of the life you have