Later everyone there's people here I don't trust right now, bug y'all later
I'm going to have another beer
Why does swiss taste so good when you're drinking!
Before I start using epoxy clay for the first time in the next few days😂😂😂
But but you know what I would prefer over beer?(sorry everything is below cheese)
Tanny that was a beautiful pic...1hy delete 😑
I would choose decent company over cheese or coffee, but everything I'll dump for my art😏
Holy crap, drunks and typing online don't mix😅 who knew?
I dont have that kind of luck unfortunately
>>> So Kura, if there was an Awesome Friends f...
Let's see... cycle kick, ice flurry,,teleportation, and tranformation
And fireballs out of my hands plus a sick axe made of ice 😏
Everyone loses, it's how you handle it that shows who you are
And some of us stay clueless clear throughout
If we didn't there would be no sense of adventure
Half drunk and getting ready to pass out 😂