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NNebraska The Good Life

Good morning beautiful people, happy Monday 😊
Cold cold and cold. Stay warm all.
Definitely cold here!!
Damn I thought -10 was bad. How is your car doing 😰
Everything is running great
It's-4 right now
Gonna be at the Ameristar tomorrow through Saturday. HMU people
That's definitely cold!!
It's warmer here,lol
Wow how does the west rank haha
Enjoy that heat wave!
Tired of this cold chit
Hopefully improves fast!
Man this room is bleak
Not much going on
Well not much people talk here anymore
Noticed that gone on the super quiet side
Dead chat
Hey sour patch
Absolutely dead
Don’t know what happened
I’m bored af
So am I
Have a great day all.
Good morning from Lexington
Happy Friday!
Good morning beautiful
Happy Friday to you all!!!
Awww shucks
K, headed to bed. Good talk.
Happy Saturday, fokes!
Still Friday here, lol
Saturday and tired from work
How's it going
Doing ok o far.
so far*
lol did you mean to send that here
That's good
Hey yall