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🇺🇸American Politics

Idk what waterboy is
I'm the first to say that I'm not perfect
And you're the first to say you want the best thing
When the nurse put the needle in she said she'd never seen at Arm so strong Like mine
Omg a fellow Cow
And the same bubble color
This is my chat mate
My name is Alien Cow
I'm new in this room
Hello sir
What is your name
Where are you from
His majesties united kingdom
I'm from Afghanistan
The enemy💀
wat a twist
All that p0rn you watch
wat p0n you watch often pat
No I'm not enemy
Please don't talk about it
It's morning time
I never watch it i dont have the time
i dont have the time to even read a novel these 2 years lately
This group is super slow these days
thats getto complaim
Are you an Arab?
i am a muslim
thats why i can write arabic
Most of the app is slow, it’s been slowing down for years
>>> Most of the app is slow, it’s been slowing... But what's the reason?
I’m bored af
He gets donations?
Emperor Needed New Clothes
Hey guys
Nice scamming attempt
I asked my kids today what’s worse than drinking water from a toilet bowl. The answer: voting for Kamala Harris
ur kids are allowed to vote in november 2024 sire
But we can make kids for 2025