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Érett & 30+ Csevegések/

FFat Lovers 2.0

How are you
Happy Monday weirdos 💛☕️
Good morning
Good morning innocent freaks
43 fat guy looking to chat
Hey everyone
Hola 👋
What are yall up to?
Hi everybody, how are you doing tonight tonight? Hope you had a great day.
Waiting on the emergency room trying not to cry
I hope you're OK
Are you there for yourself or someone else.
I’m here for my self
Sorry bbg
What did you call me?🤣🤣
I got two teeth pulled this morning and the blood clot dislodged around 430 and I’ve been in pain and swelling since and just left the er with a pain med and told to talk to dentist in the morning…: but while we were waiting the er doctor who just left for the day was rushed back in and was having an emergency and so all staff stopped to care for him and I sat for like 2.5 hours for the prescription that was only suppose to take 30 mins too
Emergency services only provide care one person at a time it seems like
And being after 8 the only twenty four hour pharmacy is 20 mins in the opposite direction
That sucks
Good morning everyone
Morning SB 🤗 Morning Teh 🤗 Morning bbg 🤗
Morning morning
How have you been Teh?
Wow, that’s horrible. I’m sorry
How you doing today bbg??
Been alright I suppose. You?
I’m doing okay. Good days and bad
Hello Riley
good afternoon everyone
Hi SB 🤗
Afternoon Sam
Hiya bbg 🤗
How you feeling?
I’m not feeling so good, my blood clot came out from my extraction and I hurt and the dentist office is stupid