Are you also in Cali did we go to the same one 😆
Gotta collect all the cookies to summon a dragon 😆
Damn and your older then me I might of let you slide in lmao 🤣
It looks way more like a ritz cracker then a cookie
It’s ok me and ritz gotcha covered with tattoos
lol stackable though you could stack things on it
What are we stacking on it
For loading a bong on it would my ass just be a table?
I don’t think I have the kink to be furniture 😂 but hey I’d try it once
🤣 omg I would have to be so still
I’ve never been still in my life
😂 yeah drug me up but at least play with me a little between courses
I hope I at least get a spank after being used as a table 😆
Again I have a collar clearly I’m a bit kinky
Besides as long as it’s consensual why not
What a blessing good evening