Just when I said I’d stay till, my month was up 2 weeks ago
I’m ready for off time though
Seems like most of them I guess
Been so long since I sat in a theater
How was that? Been wanting to watch
Gotcha, so save it for absolute boredom lol
I love to read but I also have a tendencyto get stuck
I’ll get into a book and nothing is getting done until it’s finished lol
I was bored n read the hand of thrones awhile back, he never finished thd books 😡
day 44 stuck on a boat so doing as well as can be expected I guess lol
Can’t wait to visit a pot shop n a beer store Thursday lmao
Ehh, I’m here by choice. Wanna buy an old truck cuz my tundra is taking a 💩 so I stayed longer to stack a few more checks
Yeah, it’s long time to be gone. My dogs gonna be soo wiggly when walk through the door