Question.. I don't think my gf want to go to bed with me anymore.. like if I'm initiating that I'm wanna do it she doesn't want to.. what could be wrong
>>> Sounds like it might be time to just talk ...
I'll should talk but I'm curious what could be wrong
>>> Communication is the key
But like how? Like.. he wanna talk about something.. why we don't have sex anymore?
>>> Sure
What could be a good form haha
I'm sorry if I'm asking too much I mean.. I'm still a guy
>>> That's up to you, I don't know you or her
True.. I should talk! But she that like.. appropriate? How I say it?
>>> All I know is that if you are going to eng...
Very true
>>> It's definitely hard, and super awkward, b...
That's the thing.. I'm afraid or ashamed I guess to discuss it
But you're right.. I think there isn't any right way to discuss this
Is there a "right" time to discuss it or isn't it?
>>> I think you'll have to just use your gut f...
Sure.. I mean it's obvious that I shouldn't talk about when she's going to work or something but yeah..
I don't know you're name but thank you for listening