Doesn’t sound too good 🫣 wanna talk about it?
Im feeling great actually I arrived at Croatia yesterday for a full week of just cycling haha
Yeah it’s nice haha but the streets here are so bad 😂 my butt hurts after just two days hahahaha
I mean you even said that you would vocalize it so I think it’s weird he just decided that on his own or am I getting your wrong here?
As I got to know you so far I would say you’re a pretty direct person not beating around the bush so idk why he thought like this. Have you told him that you thought it’s weird?
Hmmm do you want my honest opinion on this?
But you like each other I guess?
Okok I get what you mean. I can only tell from my pov that when I like someone and I’m having a bad time I talk to her which makes me feel better. Even if it’s about stupid things just to get on other thoughts
It shows interest when you ask about the other person.
Didn’t know that haha but I think it’s a great major and I think it suits you
That’s actually a really adorable characteristic ☺️