Your flight is a few hours shorter, I’d take that any day
Hoots needs to come this way and see the ocean
On a warm summer day with a drink in hand! Yesssss!!!
I getting out of town this weekend, of all places I’m headed to the mountains and snow. 😆
Looking forward to the weekend away and just decompressing.
>>> I’ll be there a day or so longer so I’ll g...
That’s nice!!
It’s necessary. Adulting is exhausting.
A gf just left and we were talking about rescheduling a beach trip that I had to back out of last summer. It’s needed!
Summer is the best time of the year!!
Feet in the sand AND drink in hand!
I’ll be in South Lake Tahoe this weekend. It’s beautiful but the water is freezing cold all year.
That was middle of summer a few years ago
Same lake butdifferent side
The water is freezing ALL year!! I enjoy from a distance during the winter. 😆
THAT is beautiful. Wow!! Look at the water. 😍😍 where is that?