We can make any kinds of apps
Yeah, but people aren't doing anything then
People are freaking sheep
We will be bread just to work and die, but once they get the robots going, they will want to get rid of everybody. What do you think they're trying to do
With all these people were using up all the resources elites want it o all to themselves well everybody's divided by religion and BS and by shiny things they're doing this right in front of our face
They're gonna let people live until they get the AI in the robot and everything else working to perform all the work
It was spent on butt plugs
You should make God versus Allah and Satan like street fighter
Put Zeus in there and all the other gods
I don't know I'm not a game developer, but I'm sure if you could look at the code for like street fighter or Mortal Kombat
Hey, make sure you include me in on this
I'll help you develop characters
Yeah, we can put something in there and some of the other bad ones
I can do 3-D modeling and solid works. I was an engineering for 20 years but I don't do gaming 3-D modeling but I'm sure I can learn pretty easy.
I don't know I know nothing about doing video games
Let's get rid of these so other people don't steal our idea
I'm sure with AI I could developa lot easier
I have not seen one religious debate ever that showed any proof factor evidence of any God but what I have seen is religious people give fallacies left and right claiming this claiming that everything down to when people are coming back this and that and this and that but still not one shred of evidence fact or proof how many years has this been going on but what I have read in fairytale books is a bunch of fairytales, and I have fact and evidence of those books. They're called the Bible and ...