PBJ burger and Mac and cheese deep fried burger
>>> That I make a burger with peanut butter an...
Pb&j Burger is so so so good
>>> And for dinner I had a burger with mac n c...
That is amazing
Everyone else was beating up on this poor Canadian lol
Well I don't know if you wonderful Scots want to keep in touch
Ya pixel phone honestly I won't ever use anything else
Definately Never an iphone
Ya I find Samsung has so much doubled clutter
Hence why I love the pixel phone
Ya I don't like Samsung phones my friends have them and I use to but ya like I said pixel phone and runs smoother and way better internal OS and less 💩 on it
And ya I was going to say dodgeball was so funny
>>> 🤣😂am bored
You can pick on the Canadian if you like lol
Anyone wish to chat. I am from Canada. Just would love to chat with people from Scotland. I have always wanted to go to Scotland and I love the Scottish accents
Sorry in the end his choices are going to cripple the US economy and put a larger racial divide across the nation
That's fair. I rather not chat about it anyways. So sorry