Thanks for the correction like that’s gonna trigger me lol 😂
What a great question, sadly I don’t know I been blessed notto have the issue to fart in one but I can only imagine what it’s like lol 😂 and I would think it’s not pleasant unless that’s what you into ( not men)
Who me ( I’m not that easily triggered ) not if I’m not facing the person in real life ) some have all the big chat over a phone say to a persons face is a lot different. But to me she’s not triggering it was a good question to ask so I have no issues with her lol
I don’t blame you cos it’s not a thing I’m into but some are lol
Oh they do women love a cat fight lol . Just I’m too grown to be fighting over chats like this
There’s people into that too lol 😂
Honestly I don’t do any of that I rather spread love ❤️. It’s too low vibrational for me
I can’t stand it I can’t stand FatDonalds
I dunno I used to like it but now I eat it it makes me sick . I’m on a health spiritual journey and I can’t eat junk anymore
#Facts I said this all time
Can anyone kindly gift me? I want to build my avatar up lol 😂
Can anyone kindly gift me? I want to build my avatar up lol 😂 help a noob out 🙏🤦🏽♀️😜
Lmfao it makes a change I’m laughing at another convo instead of others laughing at mine
I went to grab a drink has had turtle 🐢 said how tall they are yet ?