Now shaking and my feet cause the house might blow away 😂😂
She’s such a pig but lately not as quick to eat her food
I even added cheese to it for her
Look at this even offering to spoon feed the spoiled one
This one won’t eat until her other human is home
She will just have to wait then it’s going in fridge
Yes well she’s used to him being home by now he’s late lol
But cone head isn’t bugging her stitches so she gets a cone break
It does but hopefully you feel better soon
I started reading the let them theory
Hoping I can apply it and do better myself and stop stressing over others actions and let them do them
Have whiskey any night you want
Oh glad you got it back are you feeling better?
Awww hopefully not too much snow
I’m good just chilling a little more before go get everything ready for tomorrow
Awww love ya too stay warm