>>> that���s kinda late for me, by 10I’m toast lol
Envy youu wish I could be too 😅
Full of night birds here 💀😅😂
>>> Wulf says wait one second and then disappe...
🤣😂 she multitask is hard .. you can't blame her loosing trak of time
That's real fast food 💀😅🤣
The bold head is sexy but that jawline !!!!
>>> 🤣🤣🤣 you remembered. Lol
I mean I am old but not that old of course iremember 😅😂
Having coffee and chatting with strangers and not so strangers, you?
Foxy , i had long analyse on what we talked.. geez , what have I discovered. I can only be grateful that you reached out after this time 😘🥰
Agreed.. as weird as it might be ..we do make virtual friends these days..which makes life really interesting
True is a lunchtime for you there..
Wulf as much as I am fasting and can carry on without food for 20h , this made me hungry now ..
>>> I want to hear everything
Maybe later when I have a bit more time will type out all 😅
>>> Yes but I tend to still see them as normal...
That's what normal people do.. I am exactly the same in rl as I am on people ' screen 😅.. still same half stupid, silly woman hahahaha
>>> I made boerie rolls
Geez now I feel even more hungry 😅
I am trying to loose weight guys 💀😅😂
>>> Vivo. Here's a question. What makes a pers...
Something that 80% of the population are missing...that's make a person special. If we have to look at other prospective- we all are special, one way or another BUT some aren't special in a good way
Brrrr I hate lagging..I can't follow the chat
And I can see in this room is pretty nice concentration of the 20% 😁😎.. so the filtering down gets easier 😜