>>> I don't want to be part such nonsense gro...
No Haya. Point is - I still call out those Sanghis, sometimes get banned too but I engage in conversations.. I don't ramble like a garbage woman.. you open ur mouth, it's like those women who fight under water taps
So she'll say you abandoned her, you aren't worthy. You don't stand up for her. Same playbook. Just different guy. Don't be that guy Spy. Don't be that guy
>>> I'm ur community
You are a disgrace to muslims. You are a disgrace to south Indians. You don't have the one thing that Muslims and south Indians have the most. HAYA.. you know you don't have that, that's why to validate yourself you have that name 😊
She started Spy. Now she will call u out as not doing enough because you dint go as mental as her..
Great that she has blocked me and can't see my messgs
Hey is that Kulsum still around?
Unlike you, I have a life, work and all that 😅
>>> But stay away from me
Ironic but.. even if you are the last woman on earth, I wouldn't. You are so repulsive.
>>> Taunting others ??
Just you Haya. Not everyone. And you know why - because you don't accept ur mistakes and go to the lowest levels to sound right and gain sympathy... manipulate men to yr needs. If you were being you - accepting who u truly are.. I'd still respect you
>>> Hypocrite as u r
You should think of something new Haya.. you can't use the sameline with all men who calls you out
Looks like life hasn't improved much at all for you
>>> He is wht he thinks me to be
Lol. Look who's talking. The one who doesn't have an ounce of Haya, and yet, names herself of the quality she doesn't have
>>> Acting like hes some king
I'm not. Just a regular guy. Simple normal guy. I'm no King
>>> See ur tevar
Tevar means?
>>> Aa it is ur so low u don't understand ppl ...
That I understand.. but your double standards and the manipulation of men that you do and act all holy. That's what I don't. That's what I'm calling you out on.
>>> Double act,? She is always the same
You will know that soon my friend 😊