to the guy who messaged me then turned rude when you find i have a daughter with a brazilian non jew, ok and? you tell me basically she was not actually jewish then. you are part of a problem in our community. im not saying to encourage interrelations but what happens is done and my daughter is meant to be here like anyone else. you try to lecture me on my morality but have no issue messing around with non jewish women. my partner never treated women like this in his life. his values and mora...
Someone from the groups one of these Israeli groups.
Was a friendly conversation and came up my daughters father isn’t Jewish and he start insulting my child. Saying how she isn’t Jewish
After October 7 you think Jews like me don’t feel more isolated but we are with these kind of displaced pride in our community. Now we should be banding everyone we have together. Build our nation stronger. Food for thought. 💭
Fun fact about me. I was adopted from goy family and converted the orthodox way. Then at 18 I did a dna test and I have Jewish blood already. We are pulled back to hashem. A Jew soul is and always will remains Jewish 🙏🏻💙
I don’t care about his opinion in the slightest. I care that there are millions of not billion against us and we are against each other. We don’t all need to agree on anything and in fact could have said nothing at all. Went out of his way to say something to hurt me because his ego couldn’t handle a Jewish girl with a goy. Honestly just very disappointed the more I reach out to my community. So good luck
I don’t understand the translation to the word 🤭 says canon lol
Literally someone with no life and zero productivity to offer to society