Oh wow! I wonder how kids act these days, can't be much better than when I was young
I went to school to be a middle school science teacher lol
But, never did finish. The kids and parents are terrible
I usually just bully back at that point
You know, do deauth attacks on their wifi 😅
Try to pick up the code on their key fob, then spam their car, which deactivates their key fob.
These are modern times. Newways to bully (in self defense)
How else will you poison them with kindness then?
So, if you drill into the side wall of a tire, that can't be repaired, just saying
Sounds like you should start burning your trash when the wind is blowing their way. Give them something to talk about....as they get cancer
>>> I’m annoying and I am not as pretty as I t...
Oh wow! That's harsh