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my 600 pound life is so addictive . that lady legit had the kfc frying machine on the bed cooking her own chicken and the person that gives her baths had to lift up rolls of fat just to get to her pssy to wash it

my 600 pound life is so addictive . that lady legit had the kfc frying machine on the bed cooking her own chicken and the person that gives her baths had to lift up rolls of fat just to get to her pssy to wash it
If I had 1k I’d gift u this sht so funny😭😭
lmaoo thanks
Bruh how do they even have money to do this shi
U saw the addict one named Steve? 🤣🤣🤣
lmao yesss
I loved those episodes bro was down bad for the pain meds
man its so good lol