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It be wild to see

It be wild to see
It’s ok for people to drop if they want, no?
Was that's not what I'm saying but sure Layla
You know and they know it drives guys crazy
And that’s the fun of it. Let them all drop. 🥳
Lmfao then they shouldn’t complain
They can do as please but don't say guys are thirsty or all they want is pics
Most guys do. Maybe that’s what they mean
Okay then why post a pic if you do t want that attention
They do want gc attention not dm attention probably
Like I said why post a pic then 💀
For gc attention
And not talk
What’s the point if they’re not gonna talk
That’s why they don’t wanna talk to you
Don’t project
Your complaining about them not talking to you? Did I miss something?
That’s literally not why I said
See you didn’t understand my point
Maybe people get irked by this lmao
Laney never will
Oh well to each their own
Guys know what they want 🤷🏻‍♂️