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Ya I know she’s my mom but our relationship is so dead I never thought I’d feel this way but i can’t believe she’s leaving for that long

Ya I know she’s my mom but our relationship is so dead I never thought I’d feel this way but i can’t believe she’s leaving for that long
understandable. but try and talk to her before she leaves, dont want u to feel any sort of regret 💛
Oh we’re not mad at each other or anything
just was never close?
Oh ya we’re not close. I just felt bad going to my room immediately u know
yeah i know. but maybe u could talk to her? maybe hang out, watch some tv together before she leaves
We don’t really do that together. Too bad she doesn’t play video games that’d be nice
aww yeah that would definitely be awesome.
I just know that my frontal lobe is developing as time goes on and it’s really heartbreaking to think of the things I used to say about my mom and the actions that took place back then
you’re growing up, maturing. learning everyday. we learn from past choices and try to be better everyday. i hope u and your mother will have a better relationship in the future
Same only time will tell