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Lost what

Lost what
Everyone’s respect
You and respect?
I’m good you already lost.
I didn’t lose out on anything besides on my time that I chat here and your pestering drivel
I explained. Get an education so you can comprehend it
I explained. Get an education so you can comprehend it
You explained you wasted your time all night.
I didn’t waste my time till you decided I should and focus it on your idiotic squabbling
So you lost….
Yea talking to yourself and making up crap is like that
Yea talking to yourself and making up crap is like that
That chicken has been here literally all day. It has no life. Everytime I’ve logged on throughout the day, it’s here arguing with someone new.
I know then blames someone else for it
How am I here all day?
Only you know
Yes I do and that’s why you’re inquiry into why I’m here is just a try hard attempt at winning at nothing
You’re still not making a good point as usual
Just quit bro
You’ve been here all day. Everytime I’ve logged on, you’re here.