Obviously? You didn’t have that growing up?
Early 2000s was weird but I wish I could go back to that time 💀
i bet that was still cool. i wish i could’ve also experienced the 90s
>>> Obviously? You didn’t have that growing up?
No monsters but I did live under long distance transmission lines so the grass zapped your legs which is neat
I don't wanna go back to my childhood at all
>>> I don't wanna go back to my childhood at all
You must not want to do anything differently.
>>> No monsters but I did live under long dist...
Oh good ol induction
Spice girls, Britney in her prime, Shania, Backsteet Boys…
I wanna go back with today's fashion. Fashunnn in 2000s was 💀💀💀
No. I didn't have a very great childhood. The past can stay in the past
>>> No. I didn't have a very great childhood. ...
I aspire to be on this level ngl.
I stepped on a burrowing wasp nest. That was fun.
When I think back I get all nostalgic and wanna go back and slap myself silly sometimes.
Is that not the style now?
>>> I aspire to be on this level ngl.
I don't have nostalgia for my childhood aside some small things
another time i would’ve like to experience is 50s60s
>>> Is that not the style now?
I don’t see anyone with those hair dos and clothing. Not to mention the bad fake tan was 💀
Ok. Need to rinse the bleach. Tc y’all 🫶
>>> another time i would’ve like to experience...
I'd be into 70s if I got to work on old computers lol