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Im watching Star Trek like from the time i was 5 years old
Its power rangers time ?
Yes i remember that, Mighty Morphin power rangers
Knight Rider was nice
I don't remember that much unfortunately
I had my cousins living with me when i was growing up so they were teenagers and i had to watch what they were watching on TV
Sounds familiar
Knight Rider, The A team, Magnum PI, Miami Vice, Star Trek TNG and DS9
Tv used to be nice then especially our local channels
Good times passed
Now its horror 🧟 everywhere
I will play mobile legends now
Aslan bull
Yes it is
Hi m you also Here
Take me out plsss
Hello hello 👋🏻
Cute catto
>>> Hi m you also Here Hi Danny🤗🤗
Show me your meow
Its cutie kitty2
Ka vioo
Udah berbuka deet?
Tought u Milka 😆 same purple cow
Udaaah kak
Aq masi baru mau makan
Room very quiet everywhere ya?
Pada pake ion
Makanya sepi anti
Hi tank
🍎 kah?
What happened??? 🤔🤔🤔 i think i lost many updated news here 👀