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How you know how I behave ?
Ur so edgy ur a dodecahedron
Thats what the english looks like sanah lol
>>> How you know how I behave ? Read what u write and tell me I’m lying
>>> 📷 Wot on gods erf bruv
>>> Thats what the english looks like sanah lol 🙃🧟‍♀️
Lol 🤣😂
This donkey really coming for me
Neither is your fake internet man
Yea sorry I call shii shii my bad
Is this donkey another k9 alt or nah?
Any girl up to make me 💦💦? 😈
>>> Is this donkey another k9 alt or nah? U can sym I ain’t your pussio internet man
So yes 💀
And he ain’t my man anymore 🤣
Also an alt account
>>> And he ain’t my man anymore 🤣 INTERNET
Ugly as hell
He ain’t my internet man anymore either
That’s better see u learning real shii now
I’m turned on
Jajajaja don’t ruin London u fkin internet bankers
I’m not
🇺🇲    😎 く|)へ    〉  ̄┗┓       ヾ🙍🏿‍♀️ 🇬🇧          ┗┓   ヘ                 ┗┓ノ                     ┗┓ 💩                           ┗┓                             ┗┓
Neither am I
Sm1 hmu😈
Why would my coworker guy friend suggest we get tea together after work ? Even tho he has a gf
✨ Toxic Widow 🦁❤️what’s the baddest thing you’ve ever done in your life?
Let's have some fun, hmu pls xxxx
>>> ✨ Toxic Widow 🦁❤️what’s the baddest thing y... Be into men 💀
U love us stop it!!!
>>> ✨ Toxic Widow 🦁❤️what’s the baddest thing y... Trusted a guy
Lmfaooo nah I don’t trust men
I know better than that 🤣🤣
>>> Be into men 💀 men casually the best
This room needs an app mod
Girls hmu😋
>>> This room needs an app mod you a snitch
“\____\ (✿ ͡◕ ᴗ◕ )つ━━✫・*。 ⊂   ノ    ・゜+. しーーJ   °。+ *´
am app mod