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Ur gae biatch
Ooppss biatch
Then make plastic surgery biatch
I see stars biatch
And seeing him not getting affected makes me wanna die biatch
Nu. That's u biatch
Duck don't be rude biatch
Plastic surgery biatch
>>> Then make plastic surgery biatch Going to korea
That was a W advice biatch
Lol biatch
Pig su biatch
Korean food. Yum biatch
Fish biatch
Packing my bags biatch
I shall die biatch
Ur so gae u make dildos limp biatch
Korea bts biatch
Tf is Korean food like worms biatch
Affected biatch
South Korea is best when it comes to plastic surgery, I am going there biatch
To Meet Kim Jong Un? biatch
Billy 😭😭😭😭 biatch
Hiii biatch
No fish biatch
>>> And seeing him not getting affected makes ... 🤔 biatch
Korean chicken 🐔 😋 biatch
Girl priv pla biatch
Worms biatch
S biatch
Quan is a monkey biatch
I’m tryna eat healthy biatch
You are beautiful the way you are biatch
>>> South Korea is best when it comes to plast... U shud biatch
It’s hard af biatch
>>> To Meet Kim Jong Un? biatch It's in North Korea
Girl priv pls biatch
Ion see quan 👀 biatch
Lemme feed on those tears biatch
Korea is just a fake china biatch
And I am going South Korea not North biatch
You are beautiful biatch
Kim Jong un is already engaged to putin biatch
Where human rights are abused biatch
Be happy in your water tank biatch
Same here biatch
>>> I’m tryna eat healthy biatch U eat most of the unhealthy stuff😹
You said only Korea biatch
Lel whale biatch
I wouldn’t go anywhere near Korea biatch
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