Hello good morning everyone
Why do all Jijus flirt with Saalis in India?
Cause they steal their shoes
Cause saali aadhi ghar wali
So its a revenge for stealinh shoes?
>>> So its a revenge for stealinh shoes?
But in most cases it does not stop at flirtinh
And saalis cant complain about it because it is family
>>> So its a revenge for stealinh shoes?
Yaa Thus revenge continues after marriage
Hey Naughties female to chat with 39 M Mumbai
Yeah, jijus should get a free pass to their salis if wife wants them to remain loyal
How does that make them loyal?
Life is so boring for a married man
Well then they will not go outside
Going outside and doing stuff with other women may lead them to break off but being with salis will rather make them remain faithful to their marriage as they are getting so much more out of it
Isint going to a saali same as going outside?
Nice. I answered your question before you asked it 🙂
Are you a proud sali or a worried wife?
What explanation do you have for uncles eyeing on their nieces?
Well as an uncle I can tell you so much about it once you will come to my pvt
My ex's younger sister was open season for me while I was still with my ex
>>> My ex's younger sister was open season for...
Lolomg. Mixed reaction