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DDaddies ❤️ Babygirls

everyone doing well
mhmm not bads hby
No one is awake tonight
Seems like it
It's late
It’s not late yet 🤷‍♂️
Happy Monday
It’s a sunny Monday
Same here but cool.
Almost 90 here
That’s hot.
No yet
To hot for me. I would be inside in air conditioning
I like 100 degrees
Sometimes that is good but I do better a little cooler
Not me. Cold hurts
It can depend on ailments
Hi ducky
Now you’re a dietitian lol
hello barb and never🥰💕
Heyy lovlies
Where are the daddies
Hinding lol
Hehe 😋
do they still exist
I’m right here
Yep just
Apparently not
Where are the baby girls?
None in sight it seems
That’s Unfortunate
hii its meee
It's u
I know silly
But I do not have the karma to pm you smh smh
Karma is my worst enemy on here I swear hahah
haha mason
Haha minion
sorry sorry
How does one even achieve 10 mil karma
You gotta be good
good 👀
Are you good?👀
last time i remember im on santa’s nice list🙊
We love a good girl👀
Oh is that another good girl?
depends on da day
And what is it today?
thank you thank youu 🙇‍♀️
Would Anyone like to play?😋
And ofc, good girls make the world spin
what we playing chess?
You’ll probably beat me honestly
I haven’t played chess in years
i actually need a recap on how to play it 🤧
Me and you both😭
🤣 learning is fun they said
No babygirls 🙂‍↔️
Pawn E2 to E4
Check mate
That was a quick game
I play like trump I make it up as I go along
You don’t have the cards to win🤣🤣
I found my trump card, been holding onto it for years
That’s a good one.
That would make the cult members go ballistic
I am sure it would but I didn’t drink the punch
What about me
>>> I am sure it would but I didn’t drink the ... Same here
Good morning
Is that Sarah
Hi all
maybe 🤫
Sarah long time no see
yeps took a breaky. how’s u
Im good took a small break too