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Zreli i 30+ Razgovori/

🔥HOT 40+ 🥵

hows molly doing?
Doing good. How is ziggy?
That’s ok. I presume you are good
>>> Doing good. How is ziggy? Sorry got really busy at work. I am good thanks molly
Work is the worst
How’s it going
I’ve been working. How about you?
Same here lol. Done for the day
But did you remember to put a cover sheet on your TPS reports?
I didn’t
There was a memo
I seemed to have missed that today I’m so sorry
Good morning
Hello Longstreet! How are you?
I’m good. Sorry for the late response. How are things with you?
🎶Will you recognize me? Call my name or walk on by…🎶
You sure like peaches
Some people can look at produce for days
Good morning
Hi folks
Lemme home
Am drowning in dust
Bless you
That’s just incase you sneeze.
I did
Thank you
Oh yes, anytime.
I am a loud sneezer
Make people jump
Is good to remind them they’re alive
Little reality checks….I like it.
But my fantasy life is so much better