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Sjeverna Amerika/


My friend and I are doing Warcraft classic boosting, lmk if you want details
10-12 hour shifts ahh
My work days are over the place . One week can be a 4 day week or the other all 7 days
oh damn what do u do
Nope , never played war craft before
Canada won
Dang it
What up
How’s it going?
It's going
Next time USA wil win but congrats to Canada
That morning coffee hitting different rn
That'll come soon too
that format was so dumb
Ah why so?
USA had already beat them once ….. it’s like canada got a second chance lol pointless just play single elimination tournament play
even then it was 1-1 yet canada wins it all …. should have ben an automatic 3rd game
Ah how did Canada make it to the finals again?
meaningless ….. it’s a horrible set up … it’s all for extra games for more ratings lol …. who looses to a team and gets to play them in the finals again lol it’s all for making money lol
Oh yea that doesn't. Ake sense
Should have been best of 3
I can see that
How we doing Louisiana Peeps
work lol
I’m off
Weekend Starts Now
Hopefully it gets warmer
monday will be 70’s
Oh yay
When I’m back to work
70s sounds like peak weather
That's comfortable weather
It is. Jeep weather. Doors off
Amen to that
i’ll have mine off monday