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🍒𝑷𝒊𝒄 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕 🍬

I had eatable moonpie yes Not sit able ones 🙂
Sushi bb ❣️❣️
who is the octo👀
sanah bb❤️❤️
Bong cutie
bong sis🤗🤗
Eatable, not sit able 👌🏻
The crescent moon in your nickname is on the packaging for the pie
🌙 no pie
Awww, I bet you want one don't you?
Sit able moonPie?
No Buck 🧟‍♀️
Thats a pic of Duckie smiling in the dark
No double decker?
Nah, she doesn't have teef
No no But yes i was smiling while i was admiring the Moon 🌙
Stop ☹️
I have prolly 2829 teefs
The moon admires you more when you smile Duckie
Stop bluffin plith And No No 🤥
Im not a beauty for the beasty 😔
Sanah D 👇🏻
Shes more beautiful
But her forehead big like mine 🙂
>>> Im not a beauty for the beasty 😔 Ill be the judge of that
No no donut judge 😔
Shortie feet won't touch the floor
Sanah no digas eso eres una mujer hermosa tanto por fuera como por dentro 🥰
Thats me
>>> No no donut judge 😔 If Duckie is as lovely on the outside as she is on the inside then all beauty standards will be shattered
Reina 🥰🫣💞 So you are 🤗🥰🤗
Y tú también bonita no dejes de creerlo nunca
Might touché ears tho And that would be more than enough
Oh no cat fell in the tub
Nice thigh tats
I try ☺️🥰💞💞💖🙆🏻‍♀️
Whats the tattoo?
A elephant