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Sjeverna Amerika/

😈Kentucky 2.OH 👄💦

Ky crossdresser pm
Hi everyone
Hello ya
Well am actually looking for something serious and real with a mature man am 39 years old divorcesingle,don’t bother texting me if you ain’t down am also not looking for a young guy
Anyone near ky
Kentucky crossdresser to talk to Kentucky people
Hi everyone
So no one's in here wanting to talk
You people never ever want to talk in here about anything on a p.m. or in the room you just complain that the room is dead
You people don't even know how to have a conversation to save your life
You say the slightest thing in a room and you get kicked out and banned from the room for saying the slightest little thing or they if you talk too much and you're having a conversation with somebody they say you're spamming
The hell is goin on here
I have no idea
Gmorning ya
Indeed.. a fine morning
How’s it going
Going good man
Very many ppl frequent this Kentucky chat?
I suppose I’m new here
Ahh nahh... da feds
Where ppl from in KY?
I'm down next to Auburn
L e x k y
I've spent some time up there
Hella potholes
A lot of places in the world and a lot of places in the United States had a potholes why because they're cheaping out on the materials they use on streets now to save on budget
Kentucky crossdresser pm to talk
Sorry I can't talk in the room everyone's going to call me out for spamming and try to get me in trouble
why is this chat 2.0
New and improved lol but much slower
Because there's a first one already
My photo blocked. I`ve got low reputation (karma). Should try again after 15 min. of text chatting. Still don't get it? Read tutorial https:www.antiland.comentutorial#photo <$
Ky crossdresser pm
Good Evening from Covington Kentucky
My photo blocked. I`ve got low reputation (karma). Should try again after 15 min. of text chatting. Still don't get it? Read tutorial https:www.antiland.comentutorial#photo <$
Hello, from Hart Co