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Sjeverna Amerika/


Well she was staying in OC when we were talking but she said she lived in somewhere in socal. I guess it don’t matter any more
Not on here lol. I don’t be on here much anymore. I collect my bonus and get off
Toad you like Legos?
me n that guy 518 playing legos together right now
I am hare
You and what guy
Who’s on first
I don’t know
Hi I’m new to this app
The new broke in 2024 hits diff
up for chat?
Dam 😔
i got to make 200k to be mid class now
Those take homes are higher than whole year salaries man!
Teachers make 40k!
Your favorite trans girl ❤️
>>> i got to make 200k to be mid class now No you don’t. I can live perfectly fine making 72,000 a year
Hey there! How's your day going? Anything exciting happening or just the usual stuff?
6000 a month income
1500 for rent
1000 for food
2000 for taxes
Anyone near Stockton
Or sac?
lots of people around there
And another 1k in hidden fees
Foggy :3
Kitty :3
tere :3
Who tryna to go to the movies with me ?
My treat
I’ll pass
no good movies out