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LLesbians Only šŸ„žšŸ–¤

You get used to it
For instant when I see the sun I tell everyone and send pictures
People think youā€™re crazy but do they have your sun, no!
Yh you get use to it and when the sun is out thatā€™s best feeling
If you think about it we have the best weather, we have moments of complete joy
And they have sun all timed, boring
Iā€™d enjoy that
BBQ everyday
And cider every evening in the garden
Thatā€™s banging
Hi ā£ļø
Wats that
i want a cider
I have Westonā€™s if youā€™d like
Itā€™s a murder in a bottle
give me
Pop in, i have proper tea too
Crabby youā€™re still here šŸ„¹šŸ˜­
I come and go every now and then
Howā€™s you, my life?
I just got back for a while
who is thissss
Been okay and you?
That Olivia
Not the other Olivia
the cool Olivia
Not blasting pagers anymore lol?
Nah, thereā€™s better things to do these days šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚
One gotta diversify
For sure
Youā€™re 30 now šŸ˜‚
My life, I never know your age nor your nationality šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£
You know it
I mean I think so
I do šŸ¤£ but you did have me a bit confused ngl
What can we expect on an anonymous app šŸ˜‚ alsoo Iā€™m not too active.
True that
Plus it shouldnā€™t matter at all
To some extent, yes
Agreed, no catfishing
Yeah thatā€™s the point
But like if you tell me a random country because you want to keep yourself truly anonymous thatā€™s fair
As long as you arenā€™t catfishing itā€™s fair to stay anonymous without much fuss