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Južna Azija/

IIndia 🇮🇳 Eng only

All good sir
Hi Prof
Back after a hectic day
Hi ww
Me too and now travelling
That means you thoroughly enjoyed
To ??
I did 😂😂
Hahaha, told ya
I think in office i am on dope or something 😂😂
Official work. One day
What did you do that you enjoyed
Endless meetings
Like back to back
We do have our adrenaline high hours whole day
From me it was 1.30-7 endless
And that i really enjoy
Rare to find people who enjoy what they do. And that too endlessly
Ww left 🤭🤭
Rare to find people who really enjoy what they do and too endlessly
I love what i do
Hence it’s never a pain
That’s nice
And what is it that you do exactly 😊
Give gyaaan 😂😂😂
Gyani Pandit ?
Kabhi gyan ki Varsha karo idhar.
You yourself is one of the pandits
Hi 👋🏻
How are you?
I'm back
Hahahahaha I know you're Peace
That's amazing 🧿🧿
Peace I found a rishta for your cat 🐈
Hey Alex
Hey Rachel
How are you?
I'm fine, wbu?
I am good
All good?
Yeah Alex, things are fine. How's office?
Office is good ma'am