I'm not a great diver mind you, I just like the game
They definitely hit some rough spots for sure. I just hope they don't go too overboard with the play pleasing. Primary is the cookout for bugs, slugger for bots. Ironically I don't like shotguns all that much but they're just too good lol
I think it's the one my buddy uses. He loves it, I just don't have it unlocked yet
Yeah. I think 9 is 5050. Sometimes insane, sometimes uncomfortably easy
I can comfortably do 5 solo, 6 if I try. I like to drink while I play regardless of level. Probably why I'm not the best diver lmao
Sounds like a Friday night to me tbh
I had to check I had no idea. I feel your pain
Ooooh breakfast burritos slap though
Y'allare making me hungry and I'm supposed to go to bed two hours ago
Lmao I thought it was a real gun and was zooming in to see if it's one I dislike so I can say "man, screw that thing I'll take the candy"
Nah it's a toy, you can see the screws
Hey depends on the pistol. Springfield? Nah. M&P? Nah. Glock? Ehhhhh maybe
If I saw a highpoint I'd know exactly why it's there and run far away from it lol
High points are just "use and lose" kinds of guns. I like my guns, I'll die before I lose mine lmao
I carry a sig 365. Like it a lot. Eventually gonna upgrade to the 365x macro
It's possible but not very enjoyable
For me after 6 it starts to hurt