That’s your greeting from now on
You know why the lotion is there 🫵🏽
PM’s are about to be cooked
Think about what ya put on your feet 👀
Sounds outrageous but I wouldn’t be surprised 😭
People out here doing the most
So I have a wedding this Friday, tell me how I tried on all the dress shirts I have and NONE of them fit anymore 😭😩
Oh absolutely not mine. That’s wild
Oh HECK nah. I’m on my responsible shi 😤
That’s classified information
Hey Cat! In the middle of a move?
Oh that absolutely makes no kind of sense, I hate when they expect you to follow nonsensical directives
The only thing you can do. Just nod and smile 😅
Princess bride reference goes hard
Nah! Doggies deserve ALL of the treats