if i don't stop this right now it'll go on forever
>>> ???
you wouldn't get it
>>> I found some pills and gonna take one and ...
they were diarrhoea pills weren't they
>>> power of voodoo
little late to the party but i appreciate the effort
>>> Suddenly what are you all saying?
ever seen the movie labyrinth?
>>> I want to have an affair with a woman
were the men not satisfying anymore?
>>> Nother day in purgatory
some might argue it's even worse than hell
>>> I have a fetish for man with a naturally c...
no no i get it
>>> What does this one mean 🌈 when a girl sen...
it means she loves rainbows
>>> I’d like to experience two women.
it's great
>>> i think i like girls too
is everyone gay all of a sudden
well you're 40, you needed to pick a struggle
>>> U think a 25 yo goth doesn’t have struggle?
+hobo, if i remember correctly you saying
>>> She just hates everything because you all ...
>>> Are Indians the most annoying thing ever
thing? well thats dehumanising