A good peach could low key make an amazing day
Are you calling someone west ham cus they like the team?
If you think this world have peace in it you are in for a rude awakening
And anyone who says money doesn’t buy happiness is just wrong
If you sad just go to a different country
England is a lot of fun, it’s where my dad is from
I’m about togo to there in Ireland in a couple of months
We are going bc one of my brothers friends is getting married in Ireland, and then we are gonna go see my dads family aswell since we will be so close
Well tbh my ex was supposed to go with us but she broke up with me a bit ago so you could be my plus one bc yea my parents are together
I want to talk so much trash to you but my team is so bad rn
And yes but you’d have to come to the wedding too and if you do you have to dance cus I love dancing
Only thing I like about west ham is AWB
I can’t even think of what that would taste like💀😂