I'm even willing to invest a million in a museum piece showing all the utterly horrendous things trump has done!
>>> Again, if people already knew about this a...
Well good thingsit's all people WE voted in so yes, we did want it
>>> You can feel free to waste YOUR money, don...
Sorry but we ALL voted for representatives
>>> The problem is politicians aren’t spending...
Then tell red states to tax their people more so blue ones don't need to subsidize them for healthcare. Easy.
I wonder if in 5 years we find out doge spent more money than it saved...tht would be hilarious and not at all surprising
>>> It’ll be interesting what information they...
Hahaha Tru fr. It's musk...no way it's being done well. He is just "giving us his heart" lmao
>>> We need to cut down on military and Medica...
I STRONGLY disagree. I like America being the strongest. Without these items we would be (and already are thanks to trump) made fun of by all the world including china
Investing in our people's health is one of the most important things
Investing in our military is obviously important
And investing into other countries (like Ukraine) saves us lives and BILLIONS in the future as we can cripple an authoritarian regime....
Musk didn't cut anything by a small amount so far. It's been significantly paused to the point where people don't know if they will get medical coverage
The sad reality is that having major government regulations on things like healthcare are not bad and the cost is absolutely justified (to an extent). My theory is trump wants to cute spending on so many different things so that he can attempt to reduce income taxes (this will not help the deficit btw).
Yes ofc there's waste in government spending but pausing all of it or flat out getting rid of it is the dumbest way to do it. If you want to get rid of government completely from everything then go somewhere else...don't stay in america
Typical maga behavior to sound correct...they lie
>>> Good idea, whale and fish should pm each o...
Naw too intelligent for u and ur smarter than the whale. Lmao
>>> An amoeba is more intelligent than that whale
And tht crab lmao
>>> Then explain the rise in gender dysphoric ...
More people feel safe doing it
Whale back in the days we would have beaten u for being stupid af...nowadays we know ur just retarded
>>> social contagion has been proven to be a t...
Proof? Drop a study
>>> there aren’t studies yet because it just s...
So then u made it up. Show a study or u just lying
>>> it’s not that there are people with gender...
Prove it with a study or you are just lying. This is fake unless you provide a couple of sources
>>> You mean feel less stupid doing it. Kinda ...
Says the retard lmao
>>> show me a study that proves it’s not happe...
No thanks. I'm not the one claiming anything...u r...burden of proof is absolutely on you. Prove it's happening or u are lying
>>> bltch open your eyes that’s the evidence
I have. I opened them by learning and being educated which you are clearly not. PROVE your claim is true or you are 100% lying and making stuff up because you are putting your FEELINGS first