>>> This app takes you down the depression spi...
you're at the lonely & depressed chatroom. not much to de surprised for
drink coffee & have a productive day
>>> I have a hard time sleeping most nights. I...
just take your melatonin
>>>I definitely am and even as a teen I could...
wow. to need external noise to calm the constantly loud mind :
i take melatonin ever since the doc prescribed, but tonight i decided not to take it
i was falling asleep tho. with my piano music
i could had perfectly fallen asleep if some annoying snob wouldn't hadmade noise
now i'll have to take the melatonin
>>> It has its moment though. Can go for weeks...
that's terrible, is there any cause to that?
i've heard botox has various medical benefits
health is soooo expensive guys
insurance is a joke atp. Healthcare has been corrupt as the government
it's the human greedy trying to take the money & all the benefit from what they can even if it's within a delicate matter just like health is
>>> Sorry this is interesting but I have to go...
aight ๐๐ป best of luck ! have a nice day
i saw someone die because they prolonged their appointments