>>> What kind of candy you make ?
You wanna make some candy
>>> But I taste sweet
Oh really so do I 😉
Swim shady haha nice name
I do techno and raphiphop
I sometimes do a techno rap mix
I do puzzles every once and awhile
I can build puzzles insanely fast same as word finds and just about any brain teaser game I'm pretty much a half genius
More 90% hipo and 10% cat
>>> Poor baby He just big he's not huge
Lmao he looks like he might not be able to move
>>> Life is rough.
Yes it is
Peruvian woman I love your accents
Croatia I've heard of there but not remembering where it's at on the map
Tacoman are you from Tacoma in Washington
>>> Jajajjajajaa
Lol morning swim shady